NOTE:  I have hundreds more pages that just want finishing, for posting:  Beryloam's adventures in particular, two other grand threads (with some sci-fi elements) that are connected, and lots more.  To encourage, please send positive feedback or donate:  I have no other income, and I find no interesting or interested people out of door, or through the window.  I find nothing of quality on movie screen, computer screen, in published book, or on radio waves, unless it were put out decades ago, and I grow tired of what is past.  I do not imply my own work is the exception, but I am making some attempt at something....

PS--I know 'Blog' is not the proper format here; when I have funds I will make it better.

escape town


You know there is nothing there, but you can't help but look now and then. You came here because it is the only place that came quickly to mind that is sunny, on the edge of town, and where you are not known by name, having only been here a handful of times; but you can't help checking the back...

a beginning


Olrif swaggered (slightly) down the middle of the way, warily enjoying the midday Sun. His head was bleary from the night's drinking. He relished the ease and confidence he felt, and he put his hand on his purse, as he turned down a side way.



Hyacinth went to the well to fetch water. The Sun was rising over the trees and making rainbows of the cobwebs and dew on the grass. She saw the lone man coming up the lane, before she could make out who he was. She waited, and when he drew near she waved, then turned and hurried back to the cot with her pail of water sloshing....

  © 2022  All rights reserved:  Robert L Tucker 
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